
Interdimensional milking part 48 – Back to normality

Recap: Max is a teenager from Earth in the distant future, who attends a boarding school on planet Herschel Majoris where his seed is automatically harvested every day.

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Interdimensional milking part 48 – Back to normality

Biddle beep, biddle beep!

The quiet sound of the alerter on Max’s wristcomp drew his attention, and he glanced down at the screen. He waved a hand over the screen, and a one-foot-high holographic image of a woman was projected into the air. It was Nurse Janeway. He’d been dreading her comm.

“Hello Max, would you come to see me at the infirmary anytime today when it’s convenient.”

“Sure. z-probs.”

She smiled.

“Thank you Max.”

He smiled back and hung up.

“What’s that about?!” Bryan asked.

Troye offered an answer.

“She wants to check if he still has a veener after all that time out of his EV. It was small enough before, but he’s probably worn it away completely now!”

Max grinned.

“It might not be as big as yours but at least I don’t need a splint to hold it up!”

“Only reason, I’d need a splint is because it’s so long.”

“Sure Noodle, and because it’s thin as a ped lace!”

“I’ll give you “ped lace!”,” Troye said, and he leapt at Max. They wrestled good-naturedly on the fur grass for a minute, before Max got the better of Troye.

“Okay, okay, I’ll let you have that one,” he said from underneath.

Max clambered off him and they both brushed the dried grass strands from their clothes.

“That’s one good thing about EVs” Bryan said watching Max brushing at his streets long after Troye was done. “They’re a lot easier to keep clean.”

“Yeah,” Max agreed, “but at least you don’t have to worry about creepers touching your privs.”

“Have they caught the guy that did that yet?”

“I haven’t spoken to Nurse Janeway since then.”

“Wow, didn’t you wanna know?” Troye asked.

“Yeah, but… well, I didn’t really wanna think about it. The whole think skeeped me, and I tried not to think about it at all.”

“If a sexster wants to play with my stick, she’s welcome to!”

“Yeah, but what if it’s a wrinkled 120-year-old guy with no teeth?” Bryan offered.

“Ewww. Well, I guess if he has no teeth, he’ll be good at blowers.”

Bryan and Max pulled expressions of disgust, before laughing, but Max’s laughter faded quickly as the image played in his mind.

“Anyway, guess I’d better go see Miss Janeway.”

“Now?!” Troye said. “It can’t wait till after lunch?”

“The sooner I see her, sooner I’ll know what she wants.”

“Okay, see ya later Max.”

Max slap tapped them both as he headed off to the infirmary.

“Hello Max!” Janeway said cheerily.

“Hi Miss Janeway.”

“Time to get you back into your EV again,” she said, trying to project positivity.

“Now? “But… But… But I’m not ready. I didn’t know it was today. I wanted to spend more time with my bow.”

“You can spend as long as you like with her…”

“Him,” Max corrected.

“My mistake. You can spend as much time as you like with him. Your EV won’t stop you doing that.”

“It’s not the same though is it. We can’t…”

“Ohhhh, you have a physical relationship? Is he a student at this school?”

“Yes, he is.”

“So, he’s already wearing an EV?”


She left his answer hanging in the air for him to figure out the implication.

Brill had started wearing again a while ago, and it felt as though a barrier had been erected between them. They cuddled in shorts for the skin contact but it was not the same. For a start, Brill was not as horny, having usually cum at least four or five times earlier in the day before they got together.

Moreover, Brill could touch Max’s hard dick, but as soon as they got horny, the harvester started milking Brill, then they knew that they had precisely five minutes until he was forced to orgasm. The first time, Max had not cum by the time the implant in Brill’s brain forced him to, and he continued smooching and grinding, but soon Brill pulled away.

“Sweetie, I gotta stop. If we keep on it’s gonna make me double green, and I don’t wanna get ramped. I’m already up to seven. You’re gonna have to finish yourself.”

Max looked at him with disappointment, but he understood. He’d been ramped to nine orgasms per day before he realised some of the girls were deliberately making him horny so that the implant would increase his daily frequency.

His dick was already out, so he took it in his fist and started pounding it. Brill stood up and walked towards the shower.

“Where you going?” Max asked, bewildered.

“I can’t stay here while you do that. It’ll set me off.”

Max stopped pumping his fist and put his dick back in his pants with a look of disappointment.

“This sucks,” he said.

“Yeah. But we can save it and make skin time special?”

“I guess.”

Nurse Janeway smiled sympathetically at Max. Females didn’t have to wear EVs, but she still remembered how much she had wanted to spend more time with her lovers when she was a teenager. It just wasn’t the same when one of them was wearing a thick bodysuit, and he was guaranteed to orgasm five minutes after they started getting cosy. She’d known three boys intimately during her school years from age thirteen to twenty-one, and none of them would continue cuddling after their first unwanted orgasm. It was just too uncomfortable for them to go double- or even triple-green, and worse still, that would lead to a higher daily milking frequency that left them even less in the mood during future romantic encounters.

The implants all-but guaranteed that students did not allow their time together to become too charged, and if it DID lead to a harvesting, it placed a five-minute time limit before it was guaranteed to come to an end.

“I understand Max, I really do, but it’s the law.”

“Did they catch the guy – the one at the harvesting station?”

“To be honest, I don’t know. They haven’t come back to me yet. Inter system comms have been down for some time.”

He looked at her with an expression of deep panic. She sighed.

“Look Max, I can give you one more month on medical grounds because you were hurt, but after that, there can be no more exemptions do you understand?”

“Yes Miss Janeway.”

Brill sat in the dining room with Bryan and Troye when Max joined them. Brill waved to Max as he approached, and Max smiled.

“Where’s your EV? How’d it go?”

“They still haven’t caught him but Janeway extended my exemption for another month. She said it was on “medical grounds”.”

“Well, that’s better than zero.”

Brill leaned forwards and kissed Max on the cheek. Max hugged him.

“Still looking for your pee pee?” Troye said.

Max laughed.

“They already know where to look. It’s up your bhole!”

“I thought you were the one that liked that?” Troye shot back.

Max blushed, caught off guard. Troye saw his friend’s embarrassment and quickly jumped in to ease the moment. He winked.

“Just ripping ya sib. Not Trumping you.”

He smiled amiably, and Max smiled back, the colour in his cheeks rapidly fading.

Suddenly a cheer rose in the hall, starting near the entrance, and people started to stand, clapping as they did so. The boys turned in the direction of the entrance, curious about the cause of the noise.

“Shaun!” Brill said and he leapt to his feet.

Shaun walked into the dining hall, with an expression of happy amazement as one by one, almost everyone in the hall rose and cheered a welcome back to the school. He waved shyly as people he’d never even spoken to cheered as though he were a homecoming hero. For a rare occasion in his life, he felt overwhelmed by the attention.

He was accompanied by Sam. Max stood.

“Sam, over here!”

Sam saw his friends and gestured to Shaun, and they both walked over, the sound of cheering still resounding through the hall. As they approached, Max pulled another table over and Bryan grabbed two more chairs.

Shaun waved again and mouthed the words “Thank you. Thank you,” to the cheering students, and as he sat down they slowly quieted.

The boys looked at him, all smiles. His skin was still mottled but now it looked more like extreme freckles rather than a burn.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that,” he said.

“People were worried about you,” Brill said.

“But I don’t even know most of them.”

“Doesn’t matter sib, you’re still a student.”

Shaun smiled awkwardly.

“Actually,” Sam, said addressing Troye, “Shaun has a surprise for you Troye.”

Before Troye could ask what it was, Shaun handed him a flat package. Troye took it, and opened it. Inside was a padded bag. Troye looked inside the bag and pulled out his pad with its distinctive hippy decorations.

“My pad!” he said, with an expression of delight. “How did you get it?”

Shaun looked embarrassed again.

“I know some people, and they know the people that jacked it from you. I would have gotten it back sooner but…”

Sam interjected, “But he was worried that you’d be angry, so I had it.”

“Then I sat on it and broke the screen,” Brill added.

“I wasn’t going to mention that part,” Sam said smirking. “Anyway, I took it to Central to get it fixed, then, you know, Shaun was lost, and…”

Troye looked at Shaun.

“Sib, I am SO charged. I don’t care how you got it, but thank you thank you thank you. I love this pad. I’ve had it forever. My rents bought it for me.”

He leaned forwards and pulled Shaun into a fierce hug.

“Thank sib. From the bottom of my heart.”

Shaun winced and Troye immediately released him.

“Sorry sib. Still hurting?”

“Nah, not really. You just squeezed me hard. I think I felt my ribs cracking.”

Everyone laughed.

“Sorry Sib, I just can’t tell you what this means to me.”

“I got you the case. I had to order it. I thought you’d like it. I thought it kind went with your art.”

 Troye examined the case. It was leatherette with bright patterns on, and a quickseel flap. He smiled.

“I moffing love it Shaun! It’s perfect.”

Shaun looked beyond happy at Troye’s response. Sam gave him a nudge.

“See sib, told you he’d be smooth about it.”


“Guys, Shaun and me wanted to tell you a secret, but you can’t ever tell anyone okay?”

Sam waited for each of them to confirm.

“When it was Troye’s turn to show his agreement, he said, “No need. I already know. You’re gonna be in a black VP together, right?”

Sam grinned.

“Not quite. But I can trust you to secure this yeah?”

“Sib, course you can!”


He leaned forwards, and Brill, Max, Troye, and Bryan moved in closer as well.

“Me and Shaun are brothers. But nobody else can know okay? We’re only telling you because we know we can trust you with our lives. We’re sick of pretending.”

“Ohhh, that explains it,” Brill said.

“Explains what?” Bryan asked.

“Everything. Why Sam was so cut up about Shaun going missing.”

“Everyone was upset though weren’t they?” Sam said.
“Not me,” Troye said. “I was already hoping for his tokes if he never came back.”

“Hey!” Shaun protested playfully, his adolescent voice breaking, “That’s not smooth!”

“Anyway, he doesn’t have any tokes,” Sam added, “he blows them all on shoogs and virtuporn!”

Shaun laughed.

“Okay, well that’s true at least. I’m not gonna fab.”

Everybody laughed again. Max noticed that Shaun seemed more at ease and less desperate to please since the camping trip.

“Anyway Max, me and Shaun here wanted to ask you a favour. Would you mind if he moves in with me? I mean, I know we aren’t room mates at the moment, but I was kind of still keeping your side warm. You know, in case you wanted to come back. But now I see what kind of trouble bonzo gets up to when he’s away from me, I was really hoping he could move in, so I can watch out for him?”

Max smiled. It was bittersweet. He and Sam were back on close terms, but now he’d lost his place in their dorm, even if it was for a good cause.

“Of course Sam, I’d hate to see him get eaten on the way to classes.”

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