Curing a chronic masturbator
Young soldiers need all their strength for the battlefield. Doctor Milton ensures that they are not interested in ejaculating for many. many months.
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– But doc, won’t this turn him into a wimp?
– No, no. Of course, a wimpy soldier wouldn’t do at all. Now, would it?
– It just seems like having his nuts shrink to the size of peas would remove aggression.
– Oh, I see where you are going. But, it doesn’t work that way.
– How so?
– Testicles do several important functions in the body.
– Don’t they make a man a man?
– If it weren’t for the chair, losing his balls would be catastrophic. He’d be useless on the battlefield.
– I don’t think I’m following you, doc.
– Do you see the piston ramming his ass like a piledriver?
– It’s hard to miss.
– Every half an hour a tech lubes up the piston with AggreSure™ professional grade.
– And that makes him want to be a soldier?
– He’s already a soldier. AggreSure™.keeps the fight in him.
– And the chair?
– Oh, the little bitch was reporting to sickbay so he could “rest” while masturbating all day.
– A fucking slacker?
– Not when I’m done with him.
– He doesn’t seem to like it. How many orgasms has he had?
– Let’s see. The counter shows 73. But…
– But?
– It tends to ignore tiny orgasms while counting the major ones.
– I see the counter. What exactly does 132% arousal do?
– I can’t believe the tech set that so low. No wonder he’s still got another 8 hours to meet today’s quota.
– 8 more hours? Whoa.
– Right now he’s bitching up a storm. But soon, he’ll quiet down. Let me just turn this up to 250% arousal.
– (Gulp) Geez, his face just got all ugly like.
– That’s normal.
– Fuck! That load was number 74 and it hit the ceiling!
– Yeah. I keep reminding the techs to put up the splash guard to keep things neat.
– Won’t he get all kinds of dehydrated from all the spooge flying around?
– Not to worry. The dildo that teaches him to deep throat will be in shortly. It feeds and hydrates.
– What? Why does he need to learn to deep throat a cock?
– To keep him hydrated.
– Right. Makes sense – I guess.
– I keep telling the brass that this therapy should be mandatory for all military members.
– Everyone?
– It would eliminate the problem of soldiers pounding their peckers to pussy pictures instead of training.
– Yeah, I could see that. But, I mean guys like me. You know, normal enlisted guys. I mean, I wouldn’t need to…
– Not yet.