Jimmy’s first time in a sucking box

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Jimmy’s first time in a sucking box

Wakeford Academy was one of the first to respond to a study that proved male students’ academic performance was more than halved when they were horny. They instituted compulsory fellatio for all students morning and night.

Before classes every day, each boy climbed into a sucking box and sat with his legs open. Once the door was shut it could only be unlocked from the inside. An anonymous  fellatio expert would enter the box from the end and then suck the boys’ penis until completion.

Although the boys thought that they were choosing a specific female fellator according to a menu and a catalogue of photographs, in realty, it was the school masters who did much of the sucking, and they would vie for the right to suck their favourites. Today the Assistant Dean was giving Jimmy his first run.

Today was Jimmy’s first day. He sat in the box with apprehension, but within five minutes, his entire world would be changed.