
Welcome to the home of Damnd1!

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To view images at full size use the gallery via the menu in the sidebar or right click and select View image in Firefox, or Open image in new tab in Chrome. Fuck Explorer.

I will periodically post new art or stories which will appear in the archive. However, you can quickly navigate by category using the menu or by keyword using the tag cloud on the right.

I’m sorry but I don’t accept story suggestions or graphics commissions. Many of you have terrific ideas, but it’s hard enough to find time to do the stuff I want to do without taking on additional projects.



All images are 3D computer art. No real characters are used in the creation of any sexual content.

I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT advocate non-consensual sex or harm in real life. This is a fantasy site.

All characters portrayed in a sexual situation are intended to be above the age of majority.

The nude portrayal of youth in an artistic non-sexual situation is a protected legal right.

The literary portrayal of youth in sexual situations in literary form is a protected legal right.