milking, humiliation
A patient awakens to find his fly unzipped…
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Theo woke up with the same slow lack of enthusiasm he often felt in the mornings before college. His eyes flickered open, and he was met by the sight of an unfamiliar room. Then he remembered where he was – the dentists, getting four wisdom teeth removed. He lay still, assessing his body for pain. His gums throbbed at the rear where his teeth had been removed from, and to his surprise, the hinge of his jaw also ached.
He rolled onto his side and raised himself to an elbow, then he sat up on the gurney with his feet dangling over the edge of the bed as the fog of the anaesthetic cleared from his brain. He smacked his lips. There was an odd taste in his mouth; it was insipid and alien with a hint of musk.
He felt the need to use the lavatory. He felt pressure in his bowels and the same slight sense of urgency that he felt after drinking too much milk or eating chilli: it was the sense that he wouldn’t want to risk any strenuous activity until after he’d used the lavatory; the sense that his sphincter could not be 100% relied upon to do its job.
He dropped off the table, shuffled to the door, and opened it. He found himself in the reception room that he’d passed through on his way to have his surgery. His mother was sitting waiting for him. She looked up and smiled.
“Hey Theo! How are you feeling?”
“Still a little groggy. Teeth don’t hurt too much,” he replied.
“I’d hope not since they’re gone!”
“Ahhh haaa,” Theo said, making a sarcastic face. “You know what I meant.”
The male receptionist also smiled.
“Hello Theo, good to see you up and about. Take a seat and I’ll just get Mr Adams.”
A minute later he returned with the dentist who had performed the surgery. He also smiled.
“Hello Theo, how are you feeling?”
“Fine thanks Mr Adams.”
“Not too fuzzy headed?”
“Nah, I felt a bit wobbly but that didn’t last long.”
“Teeth were really bedded in there. We had to really give a yank. Your jaw might ache for a few days, but everything went just fine. I suggest you have a saltwater mouthwash twice a day, just after breakfast and after dinner just to help your gums heal. We’ll take another look at you next check-up, but if you have any problems, just give us a call and we’ll book you in right away.”
The dentist briefly examined Theo’s pupils and pulse.
“Everything seems good to go. I suggest you keep away from any sporting activity or any ladder climbing for the rest of the day.”
“Awww, but I have the ladder ping pong championships tonight Mr Adams!” Theo joked.
It was that sense of humour, and of course, his gorgeous freckled face and ginger hair that had first caught the dentist’s attention. He smiled.
“Well, if it’s the championships, I’d hate to stop you!”
He grinned broadly.
“Have a great day Theo.”
He nodded to Theo’s mother.
“Mrs Kelly.”
He turned and headed back to his surgery, and Theo turned towards the door.
“Your zipper’s undone,” his mother said.
Theo glanced down, to see his fly was fully unzipped, revealing his briefs, and a small, soft bulge inside. He frowned.
“Was it undone when I went in?”
“I hope so,” his mother replied with a smirk.
Theo pulled the zipper up.
“Careful,” his mother said, “You’re still woozy, wouldn’t want any accidents…”
Two hours earlier
The black anaesthesiologist opened the drip that was inserted into Theo’s left arm.
“Can you count backwards from 100 for me please,” he said.
“One hundred, ninety nine, ninety eight, ninety seven, ninety six, ninety five, niiiinty…”
Theo never reached 93.
“Looks like he’s out John,” the man said redundantly.
He gave it a further 10 seconds watching the EEG. As it fell to 50, he confirmed his earlier diagnosis.
“Okay, he’s gone.”
“Great, the dentist said. Let’s see what we’re looking at. He unbuttoned the top of Theo’s jeans, unzipped the fly, and pushed the front of the young man’s briefs down inside, then he reached inside and flopped the unconscious youth’s genitals out, allowing them to rest on his unzippered trousers.
The dentist, his assistant and the anaesthesiologist all looked down at what had been revealed. The college boy’s penis was a pale-coloured thumb of flesh not even three inches long. It was deeply circumcised, leaving not a single millimetre of surplus flesh, but there was a band of paler skin between the circumcision line and the rear of the glans; a stripe that betrayed the Gomco tool that had been used to remove the delicate flesh when he was too young to object to it. Beneath, a pair of average-sized testicles that neither tucked up tight, nor hung low, rested in softly wrinkled, pinkish scrotum that contrasted with the white of his shaft.
“Hmmm, neat pubes,” the anaesthesiologist observed, looking at the wiry, orange nest at the base of Theo’s shaft.
“Yeah, but he’s got a hairy belly,” the assistant added looking at the red hair that led towards the young man’s navel. “Nice to see a kid, who hasn’t shaved himself smooth for a change.”
The dentist groped Theo’s nuts.
“Nice. Wonder when he last emptied these?”
“’s morning prob’ly,” the anaesthesiologist said.
“Yeah, most likely Joseph. I never met a kid who didn’t whack it as many times a day as he could!”
The three men laughed at the thought.
“Nice pee pee,” the assistant commented.
“Yeah, not even a mouthful. I like ‘em small. Keeps ‘em humble.”
“You always say that Joseph!” John said grinning.
“And Phil always says “Nice pee pee” about the little ones!” Joseph retorted chuckling.
“True enough,” John agreed. “Let’s get those teeth out, then we can have some fun.”
The dentist quickly removed the four wisdom teeth that were crowding the rear of Theo’s mouth. 20 minutes later, his teeth lay in the metal tray on a small wheeled equipment table.
He looked at the reclining boy with satisfaction.
“Okay, work’s over. Playtime!”
Phil and Joseph moved into action. Phil raised the hydraulic chair that Theo was sitting on, and Joseph removed the student’s sneakers, jeans, and briefs, then strapped the kid’s legs to the base of the chair. When Theo’s legs were secured, Joseph pressed a pedal and the chair reclined by 75 degrees. He moved closer and pushed Theo’s legs apart, and the chair’s padded thigh supports moved with them.
The boy’s bare ass was at Joseph’s waist height. He spread the boy’s cheeks with the fingers of his right hand, and unconsciously ran his tongue around his lips.
“Whose turn is it to go first on his ass?” John asked.
Joseph gave looked at him askance with a wry look.
“You KNOW whose turn it is John. It’s mine. You’re always trying it on!”
“Okay, okay, you got me,” John said grinning, “it’s worth a try. It’s just that his hole looks so pink and inviting!”
“They all look pink and inviting.”
“Oh I dunno, some of them are kind of shitty and that Hawkins kid had so much hair I thought he was part Sasquatch!”
“Yeah, fair enough, he WAS insanely hairy. But he was a freak of nature. A dick that big on a kid not even out of high school. Can you imagine him at home, swaggering around naked at every chance, showing his dad who’s the real man of the house!”
John and Phil both laughed at the image Joseph had painted.
“Anyway, I’m up first. But you can get his hole ready if you like.”
John looked at the unconscious youth’s sphincter. He dropped to his knees and his fingers replaced Joseph’s, parting Theo’s buttocks.
“He IS awfully fresh,” John said. “Definitely never had a cock in there. Looks like you get to take his cherry Joe.”
He licked at Theo’s hole; it tasted musky, but not too shitty. He pushed a lubed finger into the teen’s unresisting pucker.
“Hmmm, almost sucked my finger in,” he commented. “Definitely never had a cock up there. Probably a science nerd. Spends all his time playing D&D.”
“The kids don’t play that anymore,” Phil chimed in. “It’s all video games. But I bet he plays fantasy games. Probably plays an elf.”
“Oh yeah, Theo is definitely a Harry Potter fan,” Joseph added.
They snickered at the dweeby biography they were creating for him.
Meanwhile, John worked the unconscious young man’s hole, loosening it for a while before adding a second finger, and twisting them both to create enough space for Joseph’s penis.
Joseph watched, grinning and pulled his genitals out through his flies. Contrary to the stereotype about black men, he didn’t have a particularly large penis. It flopped in his fist and he looked at Theo’s dick as he worked his own in his fist, pulling the foreskin back and forth across the head. Soon enough it was hard, with veins bulging along its five-and-a-half-inch length and the head was a crimson colour, contrasting against the dark umber hue of the man’s skin. It never ceased to amuse John how much larger the head was than the shaft; he called it Joseph’s plum.
Joseph gently pushed his colleague aside, then inserted his erect penis, leaning forwards to drive it fully home. He felt his nuts pressing between the cheeks of Theo’s asshole.
“Mmmmm, nice. Hot and slippery.”
He started fucking him.
Phil looked at Theo’s groin. The youth’s genitals flopped back against his belly now, looking even softer and more harmless than before.
“Such a cute little dick. Mind if I suck it John?”
“Nah, knock yourself out!” John replied.
Phil smiled and took a rubber ring from a drawer.
“What do you think – size 3?” he said, holding the medium ring up for John to see.
“Nah, go with 2, I don’t think he’s gonna be much of a grower.”
Phil nodded and exchanged the medium ring for a slight smaller one, then he fed Theo’s soft penis through it, pushing his balls through afterwards.
He leaned over the unconscious teenager and lifted the limp morsel, between his fingers before slurping it into his mouth, and sucking on it wetly like a popsicle.
“I never knew anyone who could make more noise sucking a dick than you Phil!” Joseph said, as he pumped his dick in and out of Theo’s hole.
Phil lifted his face away from Theo’s meat.
“College boy dicks are just so tasty. Especially the virgins. Can’t help myself!”
Joseph laughed heartily.
“Can’t disagree with you there Phil!”
Phil dropped his head and continued fellating the reclining boy. Even though Theo was deeply unconscious, his body still responded enthusiastically to the warmth of a wet mouth, and his cock rapidly hardened in the man’s mouth. As it got stiffer, Phil started bobbing his head in time with Joseph’s thrusting, allowing his pursed lips to brush repeatedly over the rim of Theo’s swollen glans.
John stood on the other side, gently tweaking the boy’s nipples. The game for each of the men, was to produce a reaction, and even to leave Theo feeling a pleasurable afterglow when he regained consciousness, while leaving no obvious physical signs.
When Joseph could feel that Theo’s hole was loose enough not to tear, he started to pump harder, thudding all the way in with ball-shaking force on every stroke. He pressed his palms against the inside of the boy’s knees, ensuring that Theo’s thighs were spread wide, the chair supports moving as he did so.
“Hey Joe, easy, you’re not trying to split the kid in half,” John cautioned.
“Gotta let the hounds get to the hare!” Joseph responded with a grin.
“Yeah, but he’s got to be able to walk out of here. Take it EASY,” John said in a firmer voice. “No signs remember? I’m not going to jail because you couldn’t curb your enthusiasm.”
Joseph looked at his boss at the raised voice, and he could see that the man was serious.
“Okay, okay, sorry John, I’ll dial back a bit.”
He continued pounding, but eased off pushing Theo’s thighs apart. All-too-soon, he gave several grunts and slowed to a stop, then slowly, reluctantly withdrew his penis from the young man’s hole. It came out with a plop as the head retreated through Theo’s sphincter, followed by a dribble of his own cum.
Joseph stepped aside, and John stepped in to replace him, burying his own six inches of hard flesh into the reclining student’s now-gaping, cum-filled hole.
As he started to pound, Joseph walked up to the young man’s head. He looked down at Theo’s face. He might have been sleeping, but a glance at the EEG confirmed that the kid was deeply unconscious. Joseph grinned and draped the end his half-hard cock across the boy’s lips, leaving a trail of cock snot, then he parted Theo’s lips with his fingers and ran his sticky helmet around, rubbing it between the kid’s teeth and the inside of his lips.
“That’s nasty!” John said. “You don’t like the kid?”
“He’s cute as fuck, that’s why I’m giving him a memento to take home with him.”
He pulled his long foreskin back over the head and then wiped the sticky black skin along Theo’s top lip.
“Moustache until he can grow his own,” he said with a grin.
“Nasty!” John repeated laughing, as he pounded the kid’s hole.
Meanwhile, Phil felt fluid on his tongue. He lifted his head so that he could see Theo’s orgasm. It oozed in a series of thick pumps, like mud bubbling up from a thermal spring. Phil had the boy’s penis in his fist, and he caught the cum as is it oozed out. Involuntary orgasms, especially when constrained by cock rings, always emerged like wet dreams, slow but long. Theo’s cock twitched as he emptied his load.
“Wonder if he’s having nice dreams?” Joseph mused.
“Nah,” Phil said, “he’s too far under for that.”
“That’s a shame, I’d like think that he would remember the dreams later.”
Phil scooped the boy’s semen from his penis and fist and poured it into a small bowl, then he looked down at what lay in the bowl. He showed it to John.
“Pretty decent load. Maybe he hasn’t jerked off recently after all?”
John raised his eyebrows.
“Maybe. More likely he’s just an over-horny mutt with big balls!”
Phil felt Theo’s nuts.
“Pretty average.”
“Put the bowl on his chest. Let me get a photo for the collection. Joseph, get out of the frame.”
Joseph moved back and John produced a small digital camera. He took a photo that incorporated Theo’s dick, his face, and the spunk pot on his chest.
“Kid looks pretty fucking angelic with those freckles and all,” Joseph said.
“Not so much with your spunk drying on his top lip,” John noted.
“His lips are too pouty not to,” Joseph laughed. “It’s a waste not to wrap them around at least one cock.”
“Yeah,” Phil chimed in. “Can you just imagine the little slut on his hands and knees blowing the whole football team?”
Joseph smiled broadly at the thought.
“I dunno,” John rejoined, “seemed kind of cocky. Seems more like the kind to be fucking someone else’s hole.”
Joseph looked down at Theo’s boner. It was chubby and stood up like a hitchhiker’s thumb, but it was not much more than 4 inches long.
“With that little thing? No way he’s waving that about in public. Nah, he’s no offensive tackle, more like a receiver.”
“Hmmm, feels more like a tight end from here,” John grinned with a thrust.
“Here you go little slut,” Phil said.
He opened Theo’s mouth and poured the contents of the pot into it.
“He might as well get used to the flavour,” he explained.
John smiled and shook his head.
“You two are unbelievable.”
Phil looked at John, conspicuously staring at his still pumping groin. He made a “you can fucking talk” expression, and John burst out laughing.
“Okay, okay, fair enough, you got me!”
Phil stepped across Theo’s waist, lubed his own asshole, then sat down on the chubby little cock, guiding it into him. He let out a sigh of pleasure as he felt it slide into him.
Behind him, John continued pumping, and Phil synchronised his bouncing, pushing backwards at a 45-degree angle so that as much of Theo’s short cock as possible buried inside him.
Joseph watched grinning, as they bounced and grunted like a synchronised fucking team. Phil’s cock stood hard from his own groin, and suddenly it was spitting onto Theo’s lean, smooth chest. Phil’s grunting intensified and he bounced faster, and spurred on by his reaction, John fucked harder and faster, depositing his own load in grunting synergy.
All too soon, they slowed and came to a stop. Phil climbed off Theo’s still-rigid cock, his own bouncing as he did so. He pulled out a credit card and scooped his spunk from Theo’s chest, pouring it again, into the same collection bowl before tipping it into the boy’s mouth.
“Waste not want not!”
He stroked Theo’s throat to induce a swallow reaction, and kept stroking until there was no visible trace of the semen that had been dumped there.
“Get some nourishment inside him. He looks like he could use it.”
John withdrew his cock and cleaned it on a paper towel, before bending to look into Theo’s gaping hole.
“Kid’s pretty full. Had a double load. Better empty him Joseph, don’t want him leaking on the way home.”
Joseph grinned.
“Imagine that – getting home to discover a cup of someone else’s cum on the seat of your pants!”
“That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t want to have to explain it.”
Joseph picked up the saliva ejector, and pushed it into the red maw that was Theo’s rectum. He aimed the tip at the puddle of cum that filled him, and watched as the cream disappeared into its transparent plastic pipe.
“Want me to sterilise that?” he asked.
“Who’s our next patient?”
Joseph checked the appointment diary.
“Mrs Alderidge.”
“Fuck no. Probably the first time that old mare’s ever tasted cum, let alone boy spunk. Who knows, she might even like it!”
Phil and Joseph laughed as they cleaned and dressed. When they were tidied up, Joseph looked towards Theo. The college-boy’s legs were still spread, and his cock still stood tall.
“Kid’s still got a spike on him, better cut that cock ring off Phil.”
Phil cut the rubber ring away carefully and threw it into the trash. There was a light bruise around the base of Theo’s penis, although it was mostly covered by his pubes. Phil massaged the flesh to restore the circulation. He knew that the discoloration would be gone by the time the boy came around.
He snipped away a small clump of the boy’s pubes as a memento, sliding the hair into a clear plastic pouch.
“I’ll add this to his private file,” he said, and John nodded his approval. “Okay, playtime’s over. Let’s get him dressed and into recovery…”
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