
Interdimensional milking part 49 – The gala

Recap: Max is a teenager from Earth in the distant future, who attends a boarding school on planet Herschel Majoris where his seed is automatically harvested every day. Life at FK is returning to normal after the camping trip.

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Interdimensional milking part 49 – The gala

Over the past year, Max adapted well to life on an alien planet in a new school, but every now and then, it still had the ability to throw a curveball that caught him out. The swim gala was just such an occasion.

“Hey Max, what event have you entered?” Sam asked.

“Ummm, front overarm, and rescue. What about you?”

“I’m doing front overarm, and seal stroke. Me, Shaun and Kane are making a 4×100 relay team. We need one more. Wanna step in?”

“What stroke?”

“Free. Everyone will likely be swimming front.”

“I guess so, sure.”

“Pacing! I’ll put your name down then.”

Max was not a massive fan of swimming, and it was even weirder at Friedrich Krupp because they had to swim naked.

It took many, many months of forced nudity, but Max was finally getting comfortable with being naked around the other guys. It wasn’t that he was generally shy about his body, but before his family emigrated to Herschel Majoris, his privs were considered pretty average in size. Here, most of the boys had been milked for years, and they were all hung like sexsters, so Max felt like a prepew compared to most of them. Of course, the younger accelerated students, Jurnal and Maden were still physically immature, but he wasn’t comparing to them.

He undressed in the changing room. Now that Jurnal had his EV suit, Max was the only one wearing streets.

Jurnal quickly slipped out of his peds and EV next to him. They didn’t speak all that often outside of classes and Explorers, but Max found the kid likeable enough.

“Hey Jurnal, how you doing?”

“Pretty good thanks Max. What about you?”

Max noticed that the youngster’s voice had lost its high pitched prepubertal pitch, and had a slight huskiness to it now.

“Yeah, pacing thanks. Your voice is changing.”

“It started to change when I got my EV.”

“I think it already started, that’s why you got your EV. Nearly a man Jurnal.”

Jurnal smiled shyly.

“Long way to go still, but at least I don’t stand out so much.”

“So how you getting on with your EV – still hearting it?”

“Yeah, but… well, I’m a lot more tired all the time now.”

“You’ll get used to it.”

“How many times a day do you go green?”


“Fourteen! Zip, that’s a lot. No wonder you’re tired.”

“How many times do you…?”

“Um, like nine, and that’s only cause the girls ramped me when I first got here.”

“Troye said I should go green as often as I can. He said it would make my pipe bigger.”

Max glanced down at Jurnal’s groin. He had grown a little since Max arrived, but he was still at the earlier end of puberty.

“I wouldn’t pay any attention to anything Troye says about it. He’s great but he’s a total size freak.”

Troye was changing across the changing room. Max called out to him.

“Hey Troye, what have you been telling Jurnal about his EV you weirdo?”

Troye grinned.

“Just teaching him how to get a snake that the ladies will go crazy for.”

He wobbled his own ridiculously long penis, moving his hips like a belly dancer, and as usual he got a laugh.

“What would you know? You’ve never been with a woman!” Rayke joked.

Undeterred, Troye continue dancing.

“No, but when I do, they’re gonna go total overload. Gonna be fighting them off me!”

The boys in earshot all laughed at Troye’s ridiculous good-natured optimism.

“Look,” Max said, “why do you think Troye is so skinny? Every time you splash, it takes a bit of your energy. If you’re going green fourteen times a day, it’s no wonder you’re so tired. How long is your hi?”

Max was referring to the increased intensity orgasm that each boy was given one day a week. They got to set the duration between five and fifteen minutes.

“Fifteen minutes.”

“Oh moff, and how are you getting on with that?”

“To be level Max,” Jurnal confided in a low voice, “it frizzes my brain. I never processed it would be so… so…”

“So overwhelming?”

“Yeah, that. I can’t even process straight when it’s happening. I mean, the first minute is fun, but it just goes on and on.”

“I made the same mistake the first time. Look you can get it changed every three months, but I’m sure Nurse Janeway would let you change it right away, and reset your greens if you tell her you were tricked.”

“You process?”

“Yeah. She’s pretty kind. I bet she would.”

“Oh pacing. I’ll speak to her after swimming. I don’t think I could stand another long one. Thanks Max.”

“Zero probs, and hey Jurnal, don’t get your advice from Troye. He’s a great guy but he’s got some weird ideas about that stuff!”

A few minutes later, Coach Sandusky appeared and ushered the boys through to the swimming pool. They stood lined up against the edge of the water, where plastimer chairs had been lined up. That was when Max received the first of two unpleasant surprises. In the bleachers opposite, an audience comprising teachers and other school staff sat. Max was not used to being naked in front of people outside his immediate group of male associates. He leaned across and spoke to Sam.

“There’s teachers over there watching.”

“Well, doi! Of course there is. Who did you expect you expect at a gala?”

“But we’re naked. They can all see my dick.”

“So what? They’re clicks away. They can’t see much. Just ignore them.”

Max did his best to follow Sam’s advice when things went from bad to worse. Over 50 females from the girl’s gym classes filed in, and stood opposite. The pool was 25 metres wide – plenty close enough for them to get a clear look at the boys. Max’s eyes grew big as oranges. He stood paralysed for a moment before quickly covering up, his face turning crimson.

“There’s girls here!”

“Good eyes,” Sam said grinning.

“But they’ve all got swims on.”

“Yup, boys swim full bare, girls wear swims.”

“But we’re all naked. They can all see my privs.”

“No shit brainoid!” Sam answered continuing to be playfully sarcastic.

Sam glanced down at Max’s hand-covered groin.

“Covering up is the worst thing you can do. You’ve got to take your hands away sooner or later. Might as well act like it doesn’t vex you.”

“It doesn’t bother you?”

“Nah, not considering where I grew up.”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry.”

Max forced himself to drop his hands, dangling them by his sides, but he looked like an alien playing at “relaxed hooooman.”

Sam burst out laughing.

“Just ease it sib,” Sam said. “The more wound you look, the more you’re gonna attract attention. Breath out Max.”

Max breathed out in a gasp, following it with several panting deep breaths.

“That’s it.”

Max looked at the other male students to see how they were dealing with the situation. Most of them seemed comfortable, with more than a handful standing hands on hips as if to show off their privs. He was surprised to see that even Jurnal, the least sexually mature boy there, seemed oddly proud, standing with his arms crossed behind his back and his little chest puffed out.

Max caught Brill’s eye, and Brill winked at him. He and Brill were both late to the school, and Brill’s privs were barely any bigger than his, but he seemed comfortable with his body. He smiled at Max, and Max made an exaggerated face that was the human embodiment of a frowning clown mask. Brill laughed.

The gala began, and the students took it in turn to swim races. Max felt as though the girls were stealing glances at his privs the whole time, and he was not mistaken in that belief. Seeing an Earther was a novelty for most of the girls, and even for those to whom it was not, seeing the boys naked was a rare opportunity.

Max did his best to ignore them, despite the constant feeling of being creeped on. He swam his front overarm well, coming in third. Then came the event he was dreading; back overarm, and to make matters worse, he was in the lane nearest the girls. He clambered down into the water, then the alerter rang and he pushed off, swimming on his back through the water. The girls were lined up along the poolside, cheering the boys, and there was nothing Max could do to hide his privs. He tried to concentrate on swimming, but it was hard to do his best when girl after girl was blatantly staring at his genitals as he passed them. He saw his friend Julie and she was staring just as obviously as the others. She smiled as he passed.

He reached the end in second place. He was no better at back overarm than front, but he was more motivated to get out of the pool. At the end, he climbed out with his back to the girl’s side of the pool, doing his best to act casual about it as he walked back to the boy’s side.

“Good rayshe,” Stan said as Max passed him.

Max noticed Shaun standing close to Stan.

Max smiled. He was developing a growing empathy for them both as he realised that there was so much more to their stories than was obvious on the surface. Stan’s help finding Shaun earned him huge kudos.

“Thanks Stan.”

Stan offered a slap tap, and Max took it. Stan looked relieved not to be left hanging.

The team events were held as the afternoon wore on. Sam’s team came second to last. Kane swam like a fish, but neither Sam nor Shaun had much to offer.

As they returned to their side of the pool, Sam said, “I guess we need to spend more time practicing huh Shaun?”

Shaun grinned.

“I don’t think swimming is my sport!”

“Confirmed; me neither,” Sam agreed laughing. “Sorry guys.”

“Oh, it’s smooth,” Kane said. “I only entered so I wouldn’t be standing around all afternoon.”

“Yeah, z-probs,” Max agreed.

A voice came over the speakers.

“Will competitors for Rescue, please come to the pool side.”

“Gotta go,” Max said.

“Good luck.”

Max nodded to Kane, acknowledging his good wishes.

Max stood on the pool side with a dozen other students. Julie came and stood next to him. Max felt immediately self-conscious in her close proximity.

“Hey Max!” she said cheerily.

“Hey Julie.”

“Nice willy,” she said looking unabashedly at his penis. “Never thought I’d get to see it since I found out you like boys. Least, not in person,” she added pointedly.

There was something about her being clothed and him naked that amplified his feeling of exposure a hundredfold.

“Uh, oh. You saw the vid?”

“Course I did. You were so cute bouncing up and down like that, and you throw splash so hard. I thought it was gonna hit you in the face.”

Max glowed crimson. His face felt like it was burning.

“Glad you liked it, but can we not talk about that please.”

“Sorry to make you flare. You’re just so cute. It sucks that you play for the other squad.”

Max had not heard the expression, but he rightly assumed it was a euphemism for being gay. He shrugged.

“Brill’s cute,” he said, as though that explained everything.

“You’re both cute.”

“Yeah but…”

Max looked over to where Brill was standing watching the events. Brill turned and realised Max was looking his way. He shot Max a smile that was all sunshine. Max could almost see the gold flecks in his eyes glowing from across the pool. Max smiled back.

“You guys are lucky. You seem to be really in love.”

Max pondered her words for a moment, distracted from the embarrassment of the gala. In love? He’d never asked the question of himself before.

“Or something else,” Julie added laughing.

Max shot her a puzzled look and she pointedly looked at his groin, and Max suddenly realised he was at half mast, his penis raised in a droopy half curve. He rushed comically fast to cover up and she laughed harder. He looked across at Brill with an expression of shock, and Brill was laughing too, his bright eyes dancing with humour.

“Ohh Maxy,” he mouthed with an expression of pretend sympathy.

“You’ll only bring attention to yourself if you stand like that,” Julie said. “Loads of boys have had boners today. You just have to act like it doesn’t matter.”

“Really?” Max said.

“Yeah, Stan’s a walking boner, and Wylard, and Rayke. Pretty sure some of the other guys get them deliberately; like they’re just waiting for the gala to show off their boners!”

Max smirked and dropped his hands.

“That wouldn’t surprise me. It can be pretty frustrating with your dick on another planet all the time.”

She laughed loudly.

“I never even thought of it like that. We’re all so used to the idea, I never even process the way it actually works.”

Her bubbly humour helped to distract Max and his erection quickly faded.

The event began and the competitors took it in turns to rescue fake drowning victims against the clock. She beat him by 7 seconds overall, but a 19-year-old called Marq won by a vast margin.

“I think he was born on an ocean planet!” Julie joked, deliberately loud enough for Marq to hear.

“I did think I saw gills when he turned,” Max said, joining in the joke.

Marq turned his expression serious and said “I don’t know what you’re talking ab… ee ee ee ee!”

His dolphin impersonation was far from perfect but it was to reduce everyone in earshot of the conversation to tears of laughter.

The gala came to an end, and awards were given out. Max made his way to Brill’s side.

“Have you noticed that Shaun has changed since he got back?” Max said.

“Not surprising after what he went through.”

“Yeah, but he seems younger, and he’s always close to Stan now.”

“Probably sees him as some kind of hero,” Brill surmised.

“Yeah, but there’s more to it than that. Do you think they’re…”

Max left the question hanging in the air.

“Well, I wouldn’t put it past either of them, but I don’t think so. Shaun is acting more like a little puppy following Stan around.”

“Do you think that’s good for him?”

Brill shrugged.

“He probably feels safe around him. And a little bit of hero-worship might do Stan some good.”

They allowed their fingers to brush each other as they headed for the changing room doors.

Coach Sundusky intercepted them.

“Hey boys, it’s Max and Brill isn’t it?”

“Yes sir,” they confirmed.

He smiled warmly.

“I was watching you today. You both put in a strong performance. Have you considered joining the swim team?”

“Well, I like swimming,” Brill said.

“What about you?” Sandusky asked Max.

“Nah, sorry coach. It’s not for me. Slow G is more my thing.”

“No problem. But Brill, would you consider joining the team? We train five days a week before classes.”

He went to explain what was involved, and Brill asked a few questions.

“Okay, I’ll give it a try. When should I start?”

“How’s tomorrow?” Sandusky said.

“Sure, that’s fine.”

“One more thing,” Sandusky added. “You two are a couple aren’t you?”

Brill and Max looked at each other and smiled, before touching fingers.

“Yeah,” Brill answered.

“Well, not telling you how to live your lives, but distractions can reduce your performance, and sap your energy. Especially if you go green together a lot.”

Max and Brill smirked.

“Okay coach, thanks for the advice,” Brill said, and they head towards the changing rooms.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Max said, “You haven’t even started training yet and he’s trying to control you!”

“Oh Maxy, you’re not jealous are you?”

Brill kissed Max on the cheek.

“Don’t worry, I’ll have plenty left for you.”

“Just make sure you do,” Max said with a smile.


    • Ash-
    • 20th September 2024 at 5:57 am-
    • Reply

    Hey Damnd! I remember discovering you a long time ago from a really hot hypnosis Pokémon story you posted back in your Tumblr days. Any chance you have that story lying around somewhere?

    • Hey Ash, I think you’re confusing me with someone else. I’m pretty certain I’ve never written a Pokemon story. I hardly know anything about them. But thank s for looking in! Good luck with your search.

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